About the Journal
Content format: Each issue will contain essentially the following sections, with variants where necessary:
- A short editorial statement on policy issues not more than two thousand words, placed not necessarily on the first page.
- A short review (not more than five thousand words) titled “Perspective” on a current topical issue in dermatology.
- One or two review articles by invitation or on application.
- Peer reviewed articles by invitation or on application.
- Letters to the Editor.
- News about and on African health and related matters.
All manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals – ICMJE (2000). On-line submission of manuscripts for publication consideration in the journal can be forwarded directly as an e-mail attachment in MS-word to the Editor-in-Chief (using e-mail address [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Online submission at http://nigjdermatology.com. Authors will need to be registered both as author and reviewer on this platform.
Research papers should be composed of the following in that order, clearly typed in double space:
- Title, which should be short and specific.
- Full names of all the authors, qualifications and affiliations of each, and full address of each author. (Qualifications of are only required for purposes of Editor’s use and not for publication).
- Name and address of the corresponding author and his/her phone/fax numbers (home and office).
- Sources of financial support, if any.
- Abstract: Each article must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 250 words typed double – spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Abstracts of paper submitted for publication should be organized as follows:
Background: What is the major problem that prompted the study?
Objective: What is the purpose of the study?
Methods: How was the study done?
Results: What is the most important finding?
Conclusion: What is the single most important conclusion?
- Acknowledgements, placed immediately after the next, and before the references
- References must be identified in the text by superscript Arabic numbers in order of their mention. The reference list should be typed at the end of the text in numeric sequence. The format should conform to the Vancouver style. BMJ 1991; 302: 338-41, N Engl J Med 1991; 234: 424-8. Journal title should conform to the abbreviations in Index Medicus. Examples of references (list all authors, however, if the number is more than six, list six followed by et al).
- For Journal Articles:
- Olumide YM. Abuse of topical corticosteroids in Nigeria. Niger Med Pract. 1986;11:7–13
- Morar N, Dlova NC, Gupta AK, Aboobaker J. Tinea Capitis in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. Pediatr Dermatol. 2004 Jul;21(4):444–7
- Citation of Books
Ole Fijerskov, Firoze Manji and Vibeke Baellum, eds. Dental fluorosis Handbook for health workers. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1988 p.
- Citation of chapters in books
Same as (B) above.
- References
In the body of text should be chronological order and identified by superscript for example
- Figures, Charts and Pictures
Figure legends and tables should be professionally done. Tables/charts should be in black and white 100mm (minimum) and 175mm (maximum). Digital pictures submitted should be in jpeg or bitmap format and not less than 300dpi resolution. Unclear and blurred pictures will be rejected. The publisher also reserves the right to convert coloured plates to grayscale where necessary.
XIII. Short Communications
This should possess all the elements of scientific communication as research papers, but without abstract and subheadings and with not more than 600 words and eight references.
XIV. Submission of Paper to the Journal
Anyone who submits a paper for publication must provide the following:
- A letter of submission electronically.
- Manuscript created using a word processing programme in PC format is encouraged. This is submitted electronically.
- Written permission from authors whose copyright material has been used in the manuscript.
- Informed consent from authors whose photographs have been used.
- Copyright statement as follows.
I/We …………. the undersigned, who is/are the author (s) of the manuscript tittled ……….. transfer all copyright ownership of this manuscript to the Nigerian Journal of Dermatologists, in the event that the manuscript is published in the Journal. I/We give guarantee that the content of the manuscript is original and is not currently being considered for publication by another Journal.
- A letter of acceptance will be sent once the above stages have been complied with.
- Style: Manuscripts must conform to acceptable English usage. Abbreviations must be limited primarily to those in general usage. Generic names must be used. If a trade name is included, it should follow the generic name in parentheses the first time mentioned. Thereafter, generic names only should be used throughout the remainder of the article. All measurements should be according to the metric system. Refer to patients by number or letter; names, initials or hospital record number should not be used. All photographs of the face must be blurred or masked, and such photograph must be accompanied by a statement of consent signed by the patient.
Details on article types:
Report: An original article includes Introduction, Materials and Methods of Case Report(s), Results, Comments and References. A structured abstract of not more than 250 words must be included.
Review: A major didactic article that clarifies and summarizes the exhaustive review of the literature, not more than 4500 words. References should not exceed 60 in number except by discussion with the editor. We encourage the use of PRISMA and other standard tools for this.
Clinical Trial: An article of 700 to 1200 words concerning a drug evaluation. It is meant to be a succinct presentation with a minimum number of graphs and tables.
Editorial: A brief substantiated commentary on subjects of interest.
Case Reports: Brief individual case reports of unusual interest.
Cameo: A report of 400 – 800 words, illustrated by not more than three illustrations. This category offers a means for rapid communication about a single subject.
Correspondence: Letters to the editor and short notes. Contributions should not exceed 600 words, two figures and 10 references.
Education: An article about methodology of curriculum and instruction in medicine, 2000 – 2500 words long.
Meeting Reports: Concise statements summarizing important material for medical practitioners presented at meeting of Medical Societies.
Book Review: Books and monographs (domestic and foreign) will be reviewed depending on their interest and value to subscribers. Send book to the Editors, no book will be returned.
NJD is not liable for statements or claims made by any contributor or advertiser in the Journal. Statements or opinions of authors reflect their own views and do not represent the policy of the Journal or the Nigeria Association of Dermatologists or the Editorial team. The publication of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of product by the Journal, NAD or Editorial team.
Revised manuscripts
When revising a manuscript at the request of the Editor-in-Chief, authors should provide a covering letter detailing the response to each of the points raised by the assessors or the editors in tabular form. A copy should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief by email.
An electronic proof of the edited manuscript may be sent to the corresponding author for corrections on request. Such proofs must be returned to the Editor within three days of dispatch by the Editorial office. Authors can only make typographical corrections when correcting galley proofs.
Every manuscript will be reviewed first by the editorial team to ensure they conform to the journal standard before it is sent for peer review. Accepted manuscripts may be further copy-edited according to the Journal style. The authors are responsible for all statements and claims made in their work and such claims and statements are not necessarily shared by the Editors or the Publishers or owners of the Journal.
The manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter, which identifies the corresponding author. Only those who have contributed significantly should be included as authors (vide infra). All authors should also sign the declaration and copyright when the contribution is finally accepted. The senior author should provide an explanation for any of the authors unable to sign.
All manuscript requiring substantial English language editing will either be returned, or the authors will pay for such at determined rate depending on the volume of editing.
The abstract will as from 2021 be in both English and French.
All corresponding authors will receive hard copies and offprints upon payment of processing fee. More copies can be obtained at a fee to be determined depending on the current publication fee.
Ethical Consideration
- Consent: All manuscripts reporting experiments in human beings must be accompanied by a statement in the method section that the authors have complied with the requirements of the local ethical committee. If investigators have no access to an ethical committee, the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration (2) should be followed. Avoid using patient’s name, initials or hospital numbers. If full face photographs are to be used, such photographs must be accompanied by a signed or thumb printed informed consent of the person. Animal experiments must also follow the institution’s guidelines on the use of laboratory animals in research.
- Criteria for authorship
The criteria for authorship are as expressed in the Uniform Requirements (1) which states that “authorship credit should be based only on substantial contribution to:
- conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data
- drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content
- final revision of the version to be published
Author should meet conditions a, b and c. Collecting and assembling data reported in a paper are not by themselves, qualifications for authorship. The corollary also should not be overlooked i.e. those who meet criteria for authorship should not be excluded.
- Conflicts of interest
Authors should list all financial support, including equipment and drugs on the title page. Details of financial interest that might influence the conduct or reporting of the study should be given in the covering letter. Referees (assessors of articles) should also inform the editor of any possible conflict of interest.
- Previous and Redundant Publications
Manuscripts that overlap substantially with previous publications should not be submitted for consideration. Publication of the abstract arising from a conference does not disqualify the paper. Authors should submit a copy of potential duplicate papers to the editor.
- Plagiarism
Authors are advised to run their manuscript through well-known plagiarism checker such as Turnitin or Quetext before submission. Any manuscript that suggest plagiarism will not be considered for publication.
- Copyright
On acceptance, the copyright of the paper will be vested in the Journal/Publisher. All authors of the manuscript are required to sign the “Statement to be signed by all authors” and the transfer of the copyright.
Documents Cited
- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscript submitted to Biomedical Journals. http://www.icmj.org/urm_full
- 41st World Medical Assembly. Declaration of Helsinki’s recommendations guiding Physicians in Biomedical Research and involving human subjects. Bulletin Pan-American Health Organisation. 1990; 24: 606-9.
Copyright © 2021 by the Nigerian Association of Dermatologists. For rights and permissions, contact the Editor-in-Chief. No part of publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission.
Annual Subscription Rates: (Postage cost is not inclusive)
All payments in form of bank drafts or certified cheques are to be made payable to …… Online payments in favour of Nigerian Journal of Dermatology; Account number: …………….GTBank
Advertising and other Inquiries: Editor-in-Chief, NJD, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 8034721690 (SMS to book an appointment first)
E-mail [email protected]
Indexing: The journal is currently undergoing processes to ensure indexing in AJOL, pubmed and others.